10 SaaS Marketing Playbooks to Boost Conversion Rates

Want to turn more visitors into paying customers for your SaaS? Here are 10 proven strategies:

  1. Map the customer journey
  2. Customize onboarding
  3. Create feature-focused content
  4. Improve free trials
  5. Refine pricing pages
  6. Use email follow-ups
  7. Send in-app messages
  8. Show customer proof
  9. Design pages for conversion
  10. Use retargeting ads

These tactics help optimize every stage of your marketing funnel – from attracting leads to converting and retaining customers.

Key stats:

  • Average website to free sign-up rate: 2-5%
  • Average free to paid conversion rate: 25-60%
  • Personalized onboarding can boost retention by up to 50%

Quick comparison of trial types:

Trial TypeConversion RateBest For
Opt-In18-25%Easy sign-ups, more users
Opt-Out48-60%Higher conversions, serious users
Freemium2.6-2.8%Large user base, upsells

The SaaS market is growing 600% faster than the global economy. To stay competitive, test different approaches, track your metrics, and keep improving your marketing playbook.

Map the Customer Journey

Want to boost your conversion rates? Start by understanding how customers interact with your product. A customer journey map helps you spot bottlenecks and improve user experience at every step.

Why bother? It:

  • Pinpoints pain points and opportunities
  • Breaks down team silos
  • Can boost business success by up to 22%

Here’s how to create an effective map:

  1. Set your scope and goals
  2. Get a cross-functional team together
  3. Research your customers
  4. Map out stages and touchpoints
  5. Find key moments and pain points
  6. Analyze and prioritize improvements
  7. Make changes and track results

Don’t forget to update your map as customer needs change.

StageTouchpointsPain Points
AwarenessAds, social mediaToo much info
EvaluationWebsite, reviewsUnclear pricing
ConversionSign-up processTricky onboarding
RetentionCustomer supportSlow problem-solving
AdvocacyReferral programsFew incentives

Focus on each stage to smooth out the path to conversion. For instance, a simpler sign-up process or better customer support can lead to more conversions and higher retention.

Tools like Lucidchart, Kissmetrics, and Mixpanel can help you analyze customer behavior and create visual maps. Use these insights to make smart decisions and fine-tune your SaaS marketing funnel.

2. Customize Onboarding

A tailored onboarding process can make or break user retention for your SaaS product. Here’s why it matters and how to nail it:

Why Customized Onboarding Works

Personalized onboarding isn’t just a nice-to-have. It can:

  • Boost user retention by up to 50%
  • Increase sales by 20%
  • Improve customer retention by 10%

First impressions count. A lot.

How to Customize Your Onboarding

1. Ask Smart Questions

Get to know your users from the start. Ask about their:

Question TypeExample
Role“What’s your job title?”
Goals“What do you want to achieve with our tool?”
Experience“How familiar are you with [product type]?”

2. Create Targeted Paths

Use those answers to guide users down different onboarding routes.

HubSpot does this well. A marketer sees a different dashboard than a sales rep.

3. Keep It Simple

Don’t overwhelm new users. Focus on 3-5 key actions to show value fast.

Dropbox nails this. They guide new users through just three steps:

  • Download the app
  • Create a folder
  • Share a file

4. Use Interactive Guides

Product tours and tooltips can teach users on the go. Slack uses these to highlight key features without disrupting the user’s flow.

5. Offer Self-Service Options

Some users prefer to learn solo. Give them clear docs and video tutorials.

Autodesk‘s learning site lets users take self-paced courses on their software. No pressure, just learning.

6. Track and Improve

Use analytics to spot where users get stuck. Then fix it.

“We tracked our onboarding with Usermaven analytics to find friction points and measure user activation. We simplified our process, cutting steps with high drop-off. Result? Our trial conversion rate jumped from 9% to 15.1% – a 67% improvement.” – Waqar Azeem, ContentStudio

3. Create Content About Features

Your SaaS product’s features are its core. But don’t just list them. Show how they solve real problems.

Here’s how to make feature content that sells:

Benefits, Not Just Features

Don’t just say what it does. Show why it matters.

Instead of: “Our tool has AI-powered analytics” Try: “Spot trends 3x faster with AI-powered analytics”

Use Visuals

Make complex features simple with:

  • Short demo videos (60-90 seconds)
  • Before/after infographics
  • Feature screenshots

Feature-Specific Pages

For multi-feature products, give each major feature its own page. This lets you:

  • Explain in-depth
  • Target SEO
  • Use clear CTAs

User Testimonials

Let customers speak. Feature-specific testimonials add trust and show real impact.

AI Analytics“We spotted a major trend 2 months before competitors with [Product]’s AI.” – Sarah Chen, CMO at TechCorp
Automated Reporting“We save 10 hours weekly on reports. Game-changer.” – Mike Johnson, Data Analyst at DataDrive

Target User Groups

Tailor content to different users:

  • Marketing teams: Focus on social media scheduling
  • Sales teams: Highlight CRM integration

Comparison Tables

Show how you stack up:

Feature[Your Product]Competitor ACompetitor B
AI Analytics
24/7 Support
Custom Reports

Keep It Fresh

Update feature content as your product grows. It shows active development and gives users reasons to come back.

4. Improve Free Trials

Free trials can make or break your SaaS conversions. Here’s how to turn more trial users into paying customers:

Pick the Right Trial Type

Trial TypeConversion RateBest For
Opt-In18-25%Easy sign-ups, more users
Opt-Out48-60%Higher conversions, serious users
Freemium2.6-2.8%Large user base, upsells

Choose what fits your product best.

Set the Ideal Trial Length

Find your sweet spot:

  • Complex products: 14-30 days
  • Simple tools: 7-14 days

Test and see what works.

Streamline Onboarding

Get users to their “aha moment” FAST:

  • Guided tours
  • Short tutorial videos
  • Easy support access

Zoom does this well. Users can host their first meeting without a hitch.

Personalize the Experience

1. Segment at signup: Quick questionnaire to understand needs.

2. Customize onboarding: Show relevant features.

3. Personalize follow-ups: Address specific pain points.

Show Clear Value

Make benefits obvious:

  • Highlight key problem-solving features
  • Use benefit-focused copy on signup pages
  • Celebrate quick wins in-product

Offer Top-Notch Support

Be there when needed:

  • Live chat support
  • Detailed FAQ section
  • Personalized onboarding calls for VIPs

Use Smart Conversion Tactics

Encourage upgrades without the hard sell:

  • Early-bird discounts
  • In-app messages for premium features
  • Targeted emails based on behavior

Track and Optimize

Keep improving:

  • Monitor conversion rate: Paid Users / Free Trial Users * 100
  • Check Time to Value (TTV) and Milestone Completion Rate
  • Survey users to understand drop-offs

Remember: A great free trial can be your best salesperson. Make it count.

5. Refine Pricing Pages

Your pricing page can make or break conversions. Here’s how to optimize it:

Keep it simple

Ditch the clutter. Use clean layouts and minimal text. Netflix? They nail it with a sleek background and limited colors.

Highlight value

Don’t just show the price. Show what customers GET. Salesforce Marketing Cloud? They focus on benefits, not just features, in their pricing tiers.

Use smart pricing tiers

Tier TypeBest ForExample
Per userAny team sizeZoom
Feature-basedVaried needsShopify
Usage-basedScalable needsMailchimp

Pick what fits your product and customers.

Guide decisions

Point users to your best deal. Mailchimp? They use a blue header to make their standard plan pop.

Offer annual discounts

Want yearly commitments? Trello shows clear price differences between monthly and annual plans.

Add social proof

Throw in some customer love. Pipedrive adds simple, effective quotes at the bottom of their pricing page.

Use clear CTAs

Make buying a breeze. UserGuiding uses bright, visible buttons for each plan.

Answer questions upfront

Add an FAQ section. Clearscope does this to tackle common concerns without cluttering the main pricing area.

Provide support

Last-minute questions? Add a live chat option. Asana uses a chatbot to help prospects or connect them with support.


6. Use Email Follow-ups

Email follow-ups can boost your SaaS conversion rates. Here’s how:

Time it right

Send your first follow-up within 24 hours. It keeps your product fresh in their mind.

Personalize it

Tailor emails to each prospect’s needs. For example:

After a free trial sign-up: “Noticed you signed up. Here’s how to get started: [Resource 1], [Resource 2], [Resource 3].”

For general interest: “Thanks for reaching out. Let’s chat about how we can help [Company Name].”

Keep it short

Use brief messages. Include:

  1. A quick recap
  2. Main value points
  3. Clear next steps

Share useful stuff

Give info that helps them decide:

  • Tech docs
  • Case studies
  • Customer examples

Craft smart subject lines

Make them eye-catching:

  • “{Company} | Follow up”
  • “{Company} | Follow up + Free Trial”

Add a clear call-to-action

Tell them what to do next. Maybe it’s scheduling a call or starting a trial.

Set up sequences

Create email series for different scenarios:

Sequence TypePurposeKey Elements
WelcomeEngage new folksIntro, product perks
Trial ActivationConvert free usersUsage tips, success stories
EngagementKeep interest highNews, industry insights
Churn ReductionWin back inactive usersNew features, special deals

Track and improve

Watch your open rates and clicks. Use this data to get better over time.

7. Send In-App Messages

In-app messages are a game-changer for SaaS companies looking to boost conversions. These pop-ups appear right in your app, letting you chat with users at just the right time.

Here’s how to nail your in-app messaging:

  1. Guide newbies: Use step-by-step messages to show users the ropes. LinkedIn does this by suggesting profile updates.
  2. Shout about updates: Let users know when you’ve added cool new stuff. Google Docs nails this with quick explanations and optional tours.
  3. Ask for feedback: Get user input when it matters most. Grammarly uses this trick to make sure they’re hitting the mark.
  4. Push promos: Use in-app messages for limited-time deals. Check out what foodora did:

Delivery Hero’s “Scratch & Win” discount campaign using in-app messages crushed it. They saw 3X higher redemption rates compared to their old campaigns.

  1. Target the right crowd: Don’t bug everyone with every message. Show stuff only to users who care.
  2. Time it perfectly: Don’t interrupt users mid-task. Hit them when they log in or finish something instead.
  3. Keep it snappy: Short, clear copy with a bold CTA is the way to go.
  4. Let users bail: Always include an easy way out. No one likes feeling trapped.
  5. Stay on-brand: Match your app’s style, but make sure messages pop.
  6. Test the waters: Try your messages with a small group first. See how they react before going all in.

8. Show Customer Proof

Want more conversions? Let your customers do the talking.

Here’s how:

Mix up your testimonials

Zendesk‘s got it right. They’ve got 400+ client stories you can filter by industry, problem, location, and company size. It’s like a buffet of proof.

Show the numbers

Don’t just say you’re great. Prove it. Salesforce did this with Cognism: 25% more leads converted. Boom.

Put proof where it counts

  • On landing pages
  • Near pricing info
  • In email campaigns

Mixpanel’s smart. They’ve got a Twitter carousel of big brands singing their praises. Real-time love.

Let customers speak

Clari adds photos, job titles, and company names to quotes. It’s like a mini-LinkedIn of happy clients.

Keep it fresh

Buffer’s “Buffer Love” page? It’s always new. They embed tweets from customers. It’s like a never-ending stream of high-fives.

Remember: Real stories from real users beat your own bragging any day.

9. Design Pages for Conversion

Want more sign-ups? Your landing page is the key. Here’s how to make it work:

Keep it simple

Trello’s landing page? Clean and clear. Big headline, big “Sign Up” button. No fluff.

Show, don’t tell

Canva lets you see the product in action. Short video demo right on the page. Boom.

Prove your worth

SEMRUSH uses real user testimonials. Why? Because what users say matters.

Make it easy to start

Shopify’s goal? Get you to try for free. How? Just ask for an email. That’s it.

Speak to pain points

Pipe.com cuts to the chase:

“Access your revenue, instantly”

Short, clear, problem-solving.

Numbers talk

Arounda, a design agency, worked magic:

  • VOXE: 5x more engagement
  • GT Protocol: 85% more conversions

How? Eye-catching design, clear CTAs, social proof, and demo videos.

Mobile matters

Over half of web traffic is mobile. Is your page phone-friendly? Test it. If it’s not smooth, fix it.

Your landing page is your first impression. Make it count.

10. Use Retargeting Ads

Retargeting ads are a secret weapon for boosting SaaS conversion rates. They help you reconnect with potential customers who’ve shown interest but haven’t pulled the trigger yet.

Why does retargeting work so well? It keeps your brand front and center, targets users who’ve already expressed interest, and it’s cheaper than other ad types.

Here’s how to make retargeting work for your SaaS:

  1. Set up tracking pixels on your site. This lets you create custom audiences based on user behavior.
  2. Segment your audience. Don’t lump all visitors together. Create different ad sets for users who visited specific product pages, free trial users, and those who abandoned signup.
  3. Craft targeted messages. Tailor your ads to each segment. For free trial users, highlight features they haven’t tried. For pricing page visitors, offer a limited-time discount.
  4. Use multiple platforms. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Mix it up with Google Ads, Facebook/Instagram Ads, and LinkedIn Ads (for B2B SaaS).
  5. Monitor and optimize. Keep tabs on these key metrics:
MetricWhat it tells you
Click-through rate (CTR)Is your ad appealing?
Conversion rateIs your landing page effective?
FrequencyHow often are users seeing your ad?

Tweak your ads based on these metrics. If users are seeing your ad too often, they might get annoyed. Mix things up to keep it fresh.

Real-world success: Grayson Living, a high-end furniture store, used retargeting ads with custom landing pages. The result? A 279% increase in sales in the first year and an 11% boost in average order value.

For SaaS companies, retargeting can be even more powerful. Intercom, for example, segments its ads to target specific company types, making their message more relevant and effective.


SaaS marketing isn’t static. It’s always changing. The 10 playbooks we covered? They’re just the start.

To win in SaaS, you need to:

1. Test everything

Slack nailed their freemium conversions by testing different onboarding flows. You should do the same.

2. Keep your customers

It’s cheaper to keep customers than find new ones. 55% of SaaS companies now track Customer Retention Cost.

3. Use email

Email marketing can bring in 42x what you spend on it. That’s huge for SaaS.

4. Watch your numbers

Keep an eye on bounce rates, customer acquisition costs, and demo requests. Use this data to make smart moves.

5. Spend smart

SaaS companies put 17%-39% of their budget into sales and marketing. Make it count.

Here’s the thing: What works for one SaaS company might bomb for another. Know your audience. Track your results. Keep improving.

And remember: The SaaS market is growing FAST – 600% faster than the global economy. You’ve got to stay on your toes.